Day 3

Each day brings an opportunity for reflection, growth, and advancement. So, to put some real lessons into practice, here are a few of the key things I try to incorporate into each day. My morning routine is key to making sure I keep my top priorities in mind. In order to keep myself at peak… Continue reading Day 3

Day 2

I woke up this morning with a renewed sense of spirit and joy for what I do. Spring brings a time of energy, renewal, birth, growth, and overall beauty in our world. I want to be transparent so there are no ideas that I think I am perfect, or my methods are the only ones… Continue reading Day 2

Day 1

So today I start my 54th trip around the sun! As I reflect on the past year, I realize it has been another whirlwind of projects, people, and adventures. I have done some real soul searching and I know I need to be true to myself and my gifts in all that I do. So,… Continue reading Day 1